aiospamc package


aiospamc.cli module

CLI commands.

class aiospamc.cli.Output(value, names=None, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: str, Enum

Output formats.

Json = 'json'
Text = 'text'
class aiospamc.cli.CliClientBuilder[source]

Bases: object

Client builder for CLI arguments.


Constructor for the CliClientBuilder.

build() Client[source]

Builds the aiospamc.client.Client.


An instance of aiospamc.client.Client.

with_connection(host: str = 'localhost', port: int = 783, socket_path: Path | None = None) CliClientBuilder[source]

Sets the type of connection manager to use.

Defaults to TCP, but if a Unix socket is provided it will be used.

  • host – TCP hostname to use.

  • port – TCP port to use.

  • socket_path – Path to the Unix socket.


This builder instance.

set_timeout(timeout: Timeout) CliClientBuilder[source]

Sets the timeout for the connection.


timeout – Timeout object.


This builder instance.

add_verify(verify: bool) CliClientBuilder[source]

Adds an SSL context to the connection manager.


verify – How to configure the SSL context. If True, add the default certificate authorities. If False, accept any certificate.


This builder instance.

add_ca_cert(ca_cert: Path | None) CliClientBuilder[source]

Adds trusted certificate authorities.


ca_cert – Path to the cerficiate file or directory.


This builder instance.

add_client_cert(cert: Path | None, key: Path | None = None, password: str | None = None) CliClientBuilder[source]

Add a client certificate to authenticate to the server.

  • cert – Path to the client certificate and optionally the key.

  • key – Path to the client key.

  • password – Password of the client key.


This builder instance.

class aiospamc.cli.CommandRunner(client: Client, request: Request, output: Output = Output.Text)[source]

Bases: object

Object to execute requests and handle exceptions.

__init__(client: Client, request: Request, output: Output = Output.Text)[source]

CommandRunner constructor.

  • request – Request to send.

  • response – Response if returned from server.

  • output – Output format when printing to console.

async run() Response[source]

Send the request, get the response and handle common exceptions.


The response.

to_json() str[source]

Converts the object to a JSON string.


JSON string.

exit(message: str, err=False)[source]

Exits the program, echoing the message if outputting text. Otherwise prints the JSON object.

  • message – Message text to print.

  • err – Flag if message is an error. str = 'localhost', port: int = 783, socket_path: Path | None = None, ssl: bool = False, timeout: float = 10, out: Output = Output.Text, ca_cert: Path | None = None, client_cert: Path | None = None, client_key: Path | None = None, key_password: str | None = None)[source]

Pings the SpamAssassin daemon.

A successful pong exits with code 0.

aiospamc.cli.read_message(file: BufferedReader | None) bytes[source]

Utility function to read data from stdin.


file – File-like object.

aiospamc.cli.check(message: FileBinaryRead | None = None, host: str = 'localhost', port: int = 783, socket_path: Path | None = None, ssl: bool = False, user: str = 'docs', timeout: float = 10, out: Output = Output.Text, ca_cert: Path | None = None, client_cert: Path | None = None, client_key: Path | None = None, key_password: str | None = None)[source]

Submits a message to SpamAssassin and returns the processed message.

aiospamc.cli.learn(message: FileBinaryRead | None = None, message_class: MessageClassOption = MessageClassOption.spam, host: str = 'localhost', port: int = 783, socket_path: Path | None = None, ssl: bool = False, user: str = 'docs', timeout: float = 10, out: Output = Output.Text, ca_cert: Path | None = None, client_cert: Path | None = None, client_key: Path | None = None, key_password: str | None = None)[source]

Ask server to learn the message as spam or ham.

aiospamc.cli.forget(message: FileBinaryRead | None = None, host: str = 'localhost', port: int = 783, socket_path: Path | None = None, ssl: bool = False, user: str = 'docs', timeout: float = 10, out: Output = Output.Text, ca_cert: Path | None = None, client_cert: Path | None = None, client_key: Path | None = None, key_password: str | None = None)[source]

Forgets the classification of a message. FileBinaryRead | None = None, host: str = 'localhost', port: int = 783, socket_path: Path | None = None, ssl: bool = False, user: str = 'docs', timeout: float = 10, out: Output = Output.Text, ca_cert: Path | None = None, client_cert: Path | None = None, client_key: Path | None = None, key_password: str | None = None)[source]

Report a message to collaborative filtering databases as spam.

aiospamc.cli.revoke(message: FileBinaryRead | None = None, host: str = 'localhost', port: int = 783, socket_path: Path | None = None, ssl: bool = False, user: str = 'docs', timeout: float = 10, out: Output = Output.Text, ca_cert: Path | None = None, client_cert: Path | None = None, client_key: Path | None = None, key_password: str | None = None)[source]

Revoke a message to collaborative filtering databases.

aiospamc.cli.version_callback(version: bool)[source]

Callback to print the version.


version – Switch on whether to print and exit.

aiospamc.cli.debug_callback(debug: bool)[source]

Callback to enable debug logging.


debug – Switch on whether to enable debug logging.

aiospamc.cli.main(version: bool = False, debug: bool = False)[source]

aiospamc sends messages to the SpamAssasin daemon.

aiospamc.client module

Module implementing client objects that all requests go through.

class aiospamc.client.Client(connection_manager: ConnectionManager)[source]

Bases: object

Client object to submit requests.

__init__(connection_manager: ConnectionManager)[source]

Client constructor.


connection_manager – Instance of a connection manager.

async request(req: Request)[source]

Sends a request and returns the parsed response.


req – The request to send.


The parsed response.


aiospamc.connections module

ConnectionManager classes for TCP and Unix sockets.

class aiospamc.connections.Timeout(total: float = 600, connection: float | None = None, response: float | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

Container object for defining timeouts.

__init__(total: float = 600, connection: float | None = None, response: float | None = None) None[source]

Timeout constructor.

  • total – The total length of time in seconds to set the timeout.

  • connection – The length of time in seconds to allow for a connection to live before timing out.

  • response – The length of time in seconds to allow for a response from the server before timing out.

class aiospamc.connections.ConnectionManagerBuilder[source]

Bases: object

Builder for connection managers.

class ManagerType(value, names=None, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

Define connection manager type during build.

Undefined = 1
Tcp = 2
Unix = 3

ConnectionManagerBuilder constructor.

build() UnixConnectionManager | TcpConnectionManager[source]

Builds the aiospamc.connections.ConnectionManager.


An instance of aiospamc.connections.TcpConnectionManager or aiospamc.connections.UnixConnectionManager

with_unix_socket(path: Path) ConnectionManagerBuilder[source]

Configures the builder to use a Unix socket connection.


path – Path to the Unix socket.


This builder instance.

with_tcp(host: str, port: int = 783) ConnectionManagerBuilder[source]

Configures the builder to use a TCP connection.

  • host – Hostname to use.

  • port – Port to use.


This builder instance.

add_ssl_context(context: SSLContext) ConnectionManagerBuilder[source]

Adds an SSL context when a TCP connection is being used.


contextssl.SSLContext instance.


This builder instance.

set_timeout(timeout: Timeout) ConnectionManagerBuilder[source]

Sets the timeout for the connection.


timeout – Timeout object.


This builder instance.

class aiospamc.connections.ConnectionManager(connection_string: str, timeout: Timeout | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

Stores connection parameters and creates connections.

__init__(connection_string: str, timeout: Timeout | None = None) None[source]

ConnectionManager constructor.


timeout – Timeout configuration

property logger: loguru.Logger

Return the logger object.

async request(data: bytes) bytes[source]

Send bytes data and receive a response.






data – Data to send.

async open() Tuple[StreamReader, StreamWriter][source]

Opens a connection, returning the reader and writer objects.

property connection_string: str

String representation of the connection.

class aiospamc.connections.TcpConnectionManagerBuilder[source]

Bases: object

Builder for aiospamc.connections.TcpConnectionManager


TcpConnectionManagerBuilder constructor.

build() TcpConnectionManager[source]

Builds the aiospamc.connections.TcpConnectionManager.


An instance of aiospamc.connections.TcpConnectionManager.

set_host(host: str) TcpConnectionManagerBuilder[source]

Sets the host to use.


host – Hostname to use.


This builder instance.

set_port(port: int) TcpConnectionManagerBuilder[source]

Sets the port to use.


port – Port to use.


This builder instance.

set_ssl_context(context: SSLContext) TcpConnectionManagerBuilder[source]

Set an SSL context.


context – An instance of ssl.SSLContext.


This builder instance.

set_timeout(timeout: Timeout) TcpConnectionManagerBuilder[source]

Sets the timeout for the connection.


timeout – Timeout object.


This builder instance.

class aiospamc.connections.TcpConnectionManager(host: str, port: int, ssl_context: SSLContext | None = None, timeout: Timeout | None = None)[source]

Bases: ConnectionManager

Connection manager for TCP connections.

__init__(host: str, port: int, ssl_context: SSLContext | None = None, timeout: Timeout | None = None) None[source]

TcpConnectionManager constructor.

  • host – Hostname or IP address.

  • port – TCP port.

  • ssl_context – SSL context.

  • timeout – Timeout configuration.

async open() Tuple[StreamReader, StreamWriter][source]

Opens a TCP connection.




Reader and writer for the connection.

class aiospamc.connections.UnixConnectionManagerBuilder[source]

Bases: object

Builder for aiospamc.connections.UnixConnectionManager.


UnixConnectionManagerBuilder constructor.

build() UnixConnectionManager[source]

Builds a aiospamc.connections.UnixConnectionManager.


An instance of aiospamc.connections.UnixConnectionManager.

set_path(path: Path) UnixConnectionManagerBuilder[source]

Sets the unix socket path.


path – Path to the Unix socket.


This builder instance.

set_timeout(timeout: Timeout) UnixConnectionManagerBuilder[source]

Sets the timeout for the connection.


timeout – Timeout object.


This builder instance.

class aiospamc.connections.UnixConnectionManager(path: Path, timeout: Timeout | None = None)[source]

Bases: ConnectionManager

Connection manager for Unix pipes.

__init__(path: Path, timeout: Timeout | None = None)[source]

UnixConnectionManager constructor.

  • path – Unix socket path.

  • timeout – Timeout configuration

async open() Tuple[StreamReader, StreamWriter][source]

Opens a unix socket path connection.




Reader and writer for the connection.

class aiospamc.connections.SSLContextBuilder[source]

Bases: object

SSL context builder.


Builder contstructor. Sets up a default SSL context.

build() SSLContext[source]

Builds the SSL context.


An instance of ssl.SSLContext.

with_context(context: SSLContext) SSLContextBuilder[source]

Use the SSL context.


context – Provided SSL context.


The builder instance.

add_ca_file(file: Path) SSLContextBuilder[source]

Add certificate authority from a file.


file – File of concatenated certificates.


The builder instance.

add_ca_dir(dir: Path) SSLContextBuilder[source]

Add certificate authority from a directory.


dir – Directory of certificates.


The builder instance.

add_ca(path: Path) SSLContextBuilder[source]

Add a certificate authority.


path – Directory or file of certificates.


The builder instance.

add_default_ca() SSLContextBuilder[source]

Add default certificate authorities.


The builder instance.

add_client(file: Path, key: Path | None = None, password: Callable[[], str | bytes | bytearray] | None = None) SSLContextBuilder[source]

Add client certificate.

  • file – Path to the client certificate.

  • key – Path to the key.

  • password – Callable that returns the password, if any.

dont_verify() SSLContextBuilder[source]

Set the context to not verify certificates.

aiospamc.exceptions module

Collection of exceptions.

exception aiospamc.exceptions.ClientException[source]

Bases: Exception

Base class for exceptions raised from the client.

exception aiospamc.exceptions.BadRequest[source]

Bases: ClientException

Request is not in the expected format.

exception aiospamc.exceptions.BadResponse[source]

Bases: ClientException

Response is not in the expected format.

exception aiospamc.exceptions.AIOSpamcConnectionFailed[source]

Bases: ClientException

Connection failed.

exception aiospamc.exceptions.TimeoutException[source]

Bases: Exception

General timeout exception.

exception aiospamc.exceptions.ClientTimeoutException[source]

Bases: ClientException, TimeoutException

Timeout exception from the client.

exception aiospamc.exceptions.ParseError(message=None)[source]

Bases: Exception

Error occurred while parsing.


Construct parsing exception with optional message.


message – User friendly message.

exception aiospamc.exceptions.NotEnoughDataError(message=None)[source]

Bases: ParseError

Expected more data than what the protocol content specified.

exception aiospamc.exceptions.TooMuchDataError(message=None)[source]

Bases: ParseError

Too much data was received than what the protocol content specified.

aiospamc.frontend module

Frontend functions for the package.

class aiospamc.frontend.FrontendClientBuilder[source]

Bases: object

Builds the aiospamc.client.Client based off of frontend arguments.


Constructor for FrontendClientBuilder.

build() Client[source]

Builds the aiospamc.client.Client.


An instance of aiospamc.client.Client.

with_connection(host: str = 'localhost', port: int = 783, socket_path: Path | None = None) FrontendClientBuilder[source]

Sets the type of connection manager to use.

Defaults to TCP, but if a Unix socket is provided it will be used.

  • host – TCP hostname to use.

  • port – TCP port to use.

  • socket_path – Path to the Unix socket.


This builder instance.

add_verify(verify: bool | Path | SSLContext | None = None) FrontendClientBuilder[source]

Adds an SSL context to the connection manager.


verify – How to configure the SSL context. If True, add the default certificate authorities. If False, accept any certificate. If a pathlib.Path, add the certificates from it. If an ssl.SSLContext, then use it.


This builder instance.

add_client_cert(cert: Path | Tuple[Path, Path | None] | Tuple[Path, Path | None, str | None] | None) FrontendClientBuilder[source]

Add a client certificate to authenticate to the server.


cert – Client certificate. Takes up to three a three tuple value. 1. Path to the certificate and key. 2. Path to the certificate and path to the key. 3. Path to the certificate, path to the key, and password of the key.


This builder instance.

set_timeout(timeout: Timeout | None = None) FrontendClientBuilder[source]

Sets the timeout for the connection.


timeout – Timeout object.


This builder instance.

async aiospamc.frontend.check(message: bytes | SupportsBytes, *, host: str = 'localhost', port: int = 783, socket_path: Path | None = None, timeout: Timeout | None = None, verify: bool | Path | SSLContext | None = None, cert: Path | Tuple[Path, Path | None] | Tuple[Path, Path | None, str | None] | None = None, user: str | None = None, compress: bool = False) Response[source]

Checks a message if it’s spam and return a response with a score header.

  • message – Copy of the message.

  • host – Hostname or IP address of the SPAMD service, defaults to localhost.

  • port – Port number for the SPAMD service, defaults to 783.

  • socket_path – Path to Unix socket.

  • timeout – Timeout settings.

  • verify – Enable SSL. True will use the root certificates from the certifi package. False will use SSL, but not verify the root certificates. Passing a string to a filename will use the path to verify the root certificates.

  • cert – Use client certificate. Can either by a pathlib.Path to a file that includes both the certificate and key. Can be a tuple containing a pathlib.Path to the certificate and a pathlib.Path to the key. Can be a tuple containing a pathlib.Path to the certificate, pathlib.Path to the key, and a password.

  • user – Username to pass to the SPAMD service.

  • compress – Enable compress of the request body.


A successful response with a “Spam” header showing if the message is considered spam as well as the score.

async aiospamc.frontend.headers(message: bytes | SupportsBytes, *, host: str = 'localhost', port: int = 783, socket_path: Path | None = None, timeout: Timeout | None = None, verify: bool | Path | SSLContext | None = None, cert: Path | Tuple[Path, Path | None] | Tuple[Path, Path | None, str | None] | None = None, user: str | None = None, compress: bool = False) Response[source]

Checks a message if it’s spam and return the modified message headers.

  • message – Copy of the message.

  • host – Hostname or IP address of the SPAMD service, defaults to localhost.

  • port – Port number for the SPAMD service, defaults to 783.

  • socket_path – Path to Unix socket.

  • timeout – Timeout settings.

  • verify – Enable SSL. True will use the root certificates from the certifi package. False will use SSL, but not verify the root certificates. Passing a string to a filename will use the path to verify the root certificates.

  • cert – Use client certificate. Can either by a pathlib.Path to a file that includes both the certificate and key. Can be a tuple containing a pathlib.Path to the certificate and a pathlib.Path to the key. Can be a tuple containing a pathlib.Path to the certificate, pathlib.Path to the key, and a password.

  • user – Username to pass to the SPAMD service.

  • compress – Enable compress of the request body.


A successful response with a “Spam” header showing if the message is considered spam as well as the score. The body contains the modified message headers, but not the content of the message.

async*, host: str = 'localhost', port: int = 783, socket_path: Path | None = None, timeout: Timeout | None = None, verify: bool | Path | SSLContext | None = None, cert: Path | Tuple[Path, Path | None] | Tuple[Path, Path | None, str | None] | None = None) Response[source]

Sends a ping to the SPAMD service.

  • host – Hostname or IP address of the SPAMD service, defaults to localhost.

  • port – Port number for the SPAMD service, defaults to 783.

  • socket_path – Path to Unix socket.

  • timeout – Timeout settings.

  • verify – Enable SSL. True will use the root certificates from the certifi package. False will use SSL, but not verify the root certificates. Passing a string to a filename will use the path to verify the root certificates.

  • cert – Use client certificate. Can either by a pathlib.Path to a file that includes both the certificate and key. Can be a tuple containing a pathlib.Path to the certificate and a pathlib.Path to the key. Can be a tuple containing a pathlib.Path to the certificate, pathlib.Path to the key, and a password.


A response with “PONG”.

async aiospamc.frontend.process(message: bytes | SupportsBytes, *, host: str = 'localhost', port: int = 783, socket_path: Path | None = None, timeout: Timeout | None = None, verify: bool | Path | SSLContext | None = None, cert: Path | Tuple[Path, Path | None] | Tuple[Path, Path | None, str | None] | None = None, user: str | None = None, compress: bool = False) Response[source]

Checks a message if it’s spam and return a response with a score header.

  • message – Copy of the message.

  • host – Hostname or IP address of the SPAMD service, defaults to localhost.

  • port – Port number for the SPAMD service, defaults to 783.

  • socket_path – Path to Unix socket.

  • timeout – Timeout settings.

  • verify – Enable SSL. True will use the root certificates from the certifi package. False will use SSL, but not verify the root certificates. Passing a string to a filename will use the path to verify the root certificates.

  • cert – Use client certificate. Can either by a pathlib.Path to a file that includes both the certificate and key. Can be a tuple containing a pathlib.Path to the certificate and a pathlib.Path to the key. Can be a tuple containing a pathlib.Path to the certificate, pathlib.Path to the key, and a password.

  • user – Username to pass to the SPAMD service.

  • compress – Enable compress of the request body.


A successful response with a “Spam” header showing if the message is considered spam as well as the score. The body contains a modified copy of the message.

async bytes | SupportsBytes, *, host: str = 'localhost', port: int = 783, socket_path: Path | None = None, timeout: Timeout | None = None, verify: bool | Path | SSLContext | None = None, cert: Path | Tuple[Path, Path | None] | Tuple[Path, Path | None, str | None] | None = None, user: str | None = None, compress: bool = False) Response[source]

Checks a message if it’s spam and return a response with a score header.

  • message – Copy of the message.

  • host – Hostname or IP address of the SPAMD service, defaults to localhost.

  • port – Port number for the SPAMD service, defaults to 783.

  • socket_path – Path to Unix socket.

  • timeout – Timeout settings.

  • verify – Enable SSL. True will use the root certificates from the certifi package. False will use SSL, but not verify the root certificates. Passing a string to a filename will use the path to verify the root certificates.

  • cert – Use client certificate. Can either by a pathlib.Path to a file that includes both the certificate and key. Can be a tuple containing a pathlib.Path to the certificate and a pathlib.Path to the key. Can be a tuple containing a pathlib.Path to the certificate, pathlib.Path to the key, and a password.

  • user – Username to pass to the SPAMD service.

  • compress – Enable compress of the request body.


A successful response with a “Spam” header showing if the message is considered spam as well as the score. The body contains a report.

async aiospamc.frontend.report_if_spam(message: bytes | SupportsBytes, *, host: str = 'localhost', port: int = 783, socket_path: Path | None = None, timeout: Timeout | None = None, verify: bool | Path | SSLContext | None = None, cert: Path | Tuple[Path, Path | None] | Tuple[Path, Path | None, str | None] | None = None, user: str | None = None, compress: bool = False) Response[source]

Checks a message if it’s spam and return a response with a score header.

  • message – Copy of the message.

  • host – Hostname or IP address of the SPAMD service, defaults to localhost.

  • port – Port number for the SPAMD service, defaults to 783.

  • socket_path – Path to Unix socket.

  • timeout – Timeout settings.

  • verify – Enable SSL. True will use the root certificates from the certifi package. False will use SSL, but not verify the root certificates. Passing a string to a filename will use the path to verify the root certificates.

  • cert – Use client certificate. Can either by a pathlib.Path to a file that includes both the certificate and key. Can be a tuple containing a pathlib.Path to the certificate and a pathlib.Path to the key. Can be a tuple containing a pathlib.Path to the certificate, pathlib.Path to the key, and a password.

  • user – Username to pass to the SPAMD service.

  • compress – Enable compress of the request body.


A successful response with a “Spam” header showing if the message is considered spam as well as the score. The body contains a report if the message is considered spam.

async aiospamc.frontend.symbols(message: bytes | SupportsBytes, *, host: str = 'localhost', port: int = 783, socket_path: Path | None = None, timeout: Timeout | None = None, verify: bool | Path | SSLContext | None = None, cert: Path | Tuple[Path, Path | None] | Tuple[Path, Path | None, str | None] | None = None, user: str | None = None, compress: bool = False) Response[source]

Checks a message if it’s spam and return a response with rules that matched.

  • message – Copy of the message.

  • host – Hostname or IP address of the SPAMD service, defaults to localhost.

  • port – Port number for the SPAMD service, defaults to 783.

  • socket_path – Path to Unix socket.

  • timeout – Timeout settings.

  • verify – Enable SSL. True will use the root certificates from the certifi package. False will use SSL, but not verify the root certificates. Passing a string to a filename will use the path to verify the root certificates.

  • cert – Use client certificate. Can either by a pathlib.Path to a file that includes both the certificate and key. Can be a tuple containing a pathlib.Path to the certificate and a pathlib.Path to the key. Can be a tuple containing a pathlib.Path to the certificate, pathlib.Path to the key, and a password.

  • user – Username to pass to the SPAMD service.

  • compress – Enable compress of the request body.


A successful response with a “Spam” header showing if the message is considered spam as well as the score. The body contains a comma-separated list of the symbols that were hit.

async aiospamc.frontend.tell(message: bytes | SupportsBytes, message_class: str | MessageClassOption, remove_action: str | ActionOption | None = None, set_action: str | ActionOption | None = None, *, host: str = 'localhost', port: int = 783, socket_path: Path | None = None, timeout: Timeout | None = None, verify: bool | Path | SSLContext | None = None, cert: Path | Tuple[Path, Path | None] | Tuple[Path, Path | None, str | None] | None = None, user: str | None = None, compress: bool = False) Response[source]

Checks a message if it’s spam and return a response with a score header.

  • message – Copy of the message.

  • message_class – Classify the message as ‘spam’ or ‘ham’.

  • remove_action – Remove message class for message in database.

  • set_action – Set message class for message in database.

  • host – Hostname or IP address of the SPAMD service, defaults to localhost.

  • port – Port number for the SPAMD service, defaults to 783.

  • socket_path – Path to Unix socket.

  • timeout – Timeout settings.

  • verify – Enable SSL. True will use the root certificates from the certifi package. False will use SSL, but not verify the root certificates. Passing a string to a filename will use the path to verify the root certificates.

  • cert – Use client certificate. Can either by a pathlib.Path to a file that includes both the certificate and key. Can be a tuple containing a pathlib.Path to the certificate and a pathlib.Path to the key. Can be a tuple containing a pathlib.Path to the certificate, pathlib.Path to the key, and a password.

  • user – Username to pass to the SPAMD service.

  • compress – Enable compress of the request body.


A successful response with “DidSet” and/or “DidRemove” headers along with the actions that were taken.


aiospamc.header_values module

Collection of request and response header value objects.

protocol aiospamc.header_values.HeaderValue[source]

Bases: Protocol

Protocol for headers.

Classes that implement this protocol must have the following methods / attributes:

__bytes__() bytes[source]
to_json() Any[source]

Convert to a JSON object.

class aiospamc.header_values.BytesHeaderValue(value: bytes)[source]

Bases: object

Header with bytes value.


value – Value of the header.

value: bytes
to_json() Any[source]

Converts object to a JSON serializable object.

__init__(value: bytes) None
class aiospamc.header_values.GenericHeaderValue(value: str, encoding: str = 'utf8')[source]

Bases: object

Generic header value.

value: str
encoding: str = 'utf8'
to_json() Any[source]

Converts object to a JSON serializable object.

__init__(value: str, encoding: str = 'utf8') None
class aiospamc.header_values.CompressValue(algorithm: str = 'zlib')[source]

Bases: object

Compress header. Specifies what encryption scheme to use. So far only ‘zlib’ is supported.

algorithm: str = 'zlib'
to_json() Any[source]

Converts object to a JSON serializable object.

__init__(algorithm: str = 'zlib') None
class aiospamc.header_values.ContentLengthValue(length: int = 0)[source]

Bases: object

ContentLength header. Indicates the length of the body in bytes.

length: int = 0
to_json() Any[source]

Converts object to a JSON serializable object.

__init__(length: int = 0) None
class aiospamc.header_values.MessageClassOption(value, names=None, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: str, Enum

Option to be used for the MessageClass header.

spam = 'spam'
ham = 'ham'
class aiospamc.header_values.MessageClassValue(value: MessageClassOption = MessageClassOption.ham)[source]

Bases: object

MessageClass header. Used to specify whether a message is ‘spam’ or ‘ham.’

value: MessageClassOption = 'ham'
to_json() Any[source]

Converts object to a JSON serializable object.

__init__(value: MessageClassOption = MessageClassOption.ham) None
class aiospamc.header_values.ActionOption(local: bool = False, remote: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

Option to be used in the DidRemove, DidSet, Set, and Remove headers.

  • local – An action will be performed on the SPAMD service’s local database.

  • remote – An action will be performed on the SPAMD service’s remote database.

local: bool = False
remote: bool = False
__init__(local: bool = False, remote: bool = False) None
class aiospamc.header_values.SetOrRemoveValue(action: ActionOption)[source]

Bases: object

Base class for headers that implement “local” and “remote” rules.

action: ActionOption
to_json() Any[source]

Converts object to a JSON serializable object.

__init__(action: ActionOption) None
class aiospamc.header_values.SpamValue(value: bool = False, score: float = 0.0, threshold: float = 0.0)[source]

Bases: object

Spam header. Used by the SPAMD service to report on if the submitted message was spam and the score/threshold that it used.

value: bool = False
score: float = 0.0
threshold: float = 0.0
to_json() Any[source]

Converts object to a JSON serializable object.

__init__(value: bool = False, score: float = 0.0, threshold: float = 0.0) None
class aiospamc.header_values.UserValue(name: str = 'docs')[source]

Bases: object

User header. Used to specify which user the SPAMD service should use when loading configuration files.

name: str = 'docs'
to_json() Any[source]

Converts object to a JSON serializable object.

__init__(name: str = 'docs') None
class aiospamc.header_values.Headers(dict=None, /, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: UserDict

Class to store headers with shortcut properties.

get_header(name: str) str | None[source]

Get a string header if it exists.


name – Name of the header.


The header value.

set_header(name: str, value: str)[source]

Sets a string header.

  • name – Name of the header.

  • value – Value of the header.

get_bytes_header(name: str) bytes | None[source]

Get a bytes header if it exists.


name – Name of the header.


The header value.

set_bytes_header(name: str, value: bytes)[source]

Sets a string header.

  • name – Name of the header.

  • value – Value of the header.

property compress: str | None

Gets the Compress header if it exists.


Compress header value.

property content_length: int | None

Gets the Content-length header if it exists.


Content-length header value.

property message_class: MessageClassOption | None

Gets the Message-class header if it exists.


Message-class header value.

property set_: ActionOption | None

Gets the Set header if it exists.


Set header value.

property remove: ActionOption | None

Gets the Remove header if it exists.


Remove header value.

property did_set: ActionOption | None

Gets the DidSet header if it exists.


DidSet header value.

property did_remove: ActionOption | None

Gets the DidRemove header if it exists.


DidRemove header value.

property spam: SpamValue | None

Gets the Spam header if it exists.


Spam header value.

property user: str | None

Gets the User header if it exists.


User header value.

aiospamc.incremental_parser module

Module for the parsing functions and objects.

class aiospamc.incremental_parser.States(value, names=None, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

States for the parser state machine.

Status = 1
Header = 2
Body = 3
Done = 4
class aiospamc.incremental_parser.Parser(delimiter: bytes, status_parser: Callable[[bytes], Mapping[str, str]], header_parser: Callable[[bytes], Tuple[str, Any]], body_parser: Callable[[bytes, int], bytes], start: States = States.Status)[source]

Bases: object

The parser state machine.


result – Storage location for parsing results.

__init__(delimiter: bytes, status_parser: Callable[[bytes], Mapping[str, str]], header_parser: Callable[[bytes], Tuple[str, Any]], body_parser: Callable[[bytes, int], bytes], start: States = States.Status) None[source]

Parser constructor.

  • delimiter – Byte string to split the different sections of the message.

  • status_parser – Callable to parse the status line of the message.

  • header_parser – Callable to parse each header line of the message.

  • body_parser – Callable to parse the body of the message.

  • start – The state to start the parser on. Allowed for easier testing.

property state: States

The current state of the parser.


The States instance.

parse(stream: bytes) Mapping[str, Any][source]

Entry method to parse a message.


stream – Byte string to parse.


Returns the parser results dictionary stored in the class attribute result.

status() None[source]

Splits the message at the delimiter and sends the first part of the message to the status_parser callable to be parsed. If successful then the results are stored in the result class attribute and the state transitions to States.Header.

  • NotEnoughDataError – When there is no delimiter the message is incomplete.

  • ParseError – When the status_parser callable experiences an error.

header() None[source]

Splits the message at the delimiter and sends the line to the header_parser.

When splitting the action will be determined depending what is matched:

Header line







Headers done, empty body. Clear buffer and transition to States.Body.




Headers done. Transition to States.Body.




Parse header. Record in result class attribute.




Message was a status line only. Transition to States.Body.


ParseError – None of the previous conditions are matched.

body() None[source]

Uses the length defined in the Content-length header (defaulted to 0) to determine how many bytes the body contains.


TooMuchDataError – When there are too many bytes in the buffer compared to the Content-length header value. Transitions the state to States.Done.

aiospamc.incremental_parser.parse_request_status(stream: bytes) Dict[str, str][source]

Parses the status line from a request.


stream – The byte stream to parse.


A dictionary with the keys verb, protocol and version.


ParseError – When the status line is in an invalid format, not a valid verb, or doesn’t have the correct protocol.

aiospamc.incremental_parser.parse_response_status(stream: bytes) Dict[str, str | int][source]

Parse the status line for a response.


stream – The byte stream to parse.


A dictionary with the keys protocol, version, status_code, and message.


ParseError – When the status line is in an invalid format, status code is not an integer, or doesn’t have the correct protocol.

aiospamc.incremental_parser.parse_message_class_value(stream: str | MessageClassOption) MessageClassValue[source]

Parses the Message-class header value.


stream – String or aiospamc.header_values.MessageClassOption instance.


A aiospamc.header_values.MessageClassValue instance representing the value.


ParseError – When the value doesn’t match either ham or spam.

aiospamc.incremental_parser.parse_content_length_value(stream: str | int) ContentLengthValue[source]

Parses the Content-length header value.


stream – String or integer value of the header.


A aiospamc.header_values.ContentLengthValue instance.


ParseError – When the value cannot be cast to an integer.

aiospamc.incremental_parser.parse_compress_value(stream: str) CompressValue[source]

Parses a value for the Compress header.


stream – String to parse.


A aiospamc.header_values.CompressValue instance.

aiospamc.incremental_parser.parse_set_remove_value(stream: ActionOption | str) SetOrRemoveValue[source]

Parse a value for the aiospamc.header_values.DidRemove, aiospamc.header_values.DidSet, aiospamc.header_values.Remove, and aiospamc.header_values.Set headers.


stream – String to parse or an instance of aiospamc.header_values.ActionOption.


A aiospamc.header_values.SetOrRemoveValue instance.

aiospamc.incremental_parser.parse_spam_value(stream: str) SpamValue[source]

Parses the values for the Spam header.


stream – String to parse.


A aiospamc.header_values.SpamValue instance.


ParseError – Raised if there is no true/false value, or valid numbers for the score or threshold.

aiospamc.incremental_parser.parse_user_value(stream: str) UserValue[source]

Parse the username.


stream – String of username to parse. Whitespace is trimmed.


The aiospamc.header_values.UserValue instance.

aiospamc.incremental_parser.parse_header_value(header: str, value: str | bytes) Any[source]

Sends the header value stream to the header value parsing function.

  • header – Name of the header.

  • value – String or byte stream of the header value.


The aiospamc.header_values.HeaderValue instance from the parsing function.

aiospamc.incremental_parser.parse_header(stream: bytes) Tuple[str, Any][source]

Splits the header line and sends to the header parsing function.


stream – Byte stream of the header line.


A tuple of the header name and value.

aiospamc.incremental_parser.parse_body(stream: bytes, content_length: int) bytes[source]

Parses the body of a message.

  • stream – Byte stream for the body.

  • content_length – Expected length of the body in bytes.


Byte stream of the body.

aiospamc.incremental_parser.header_value_parsers = {'Compress': <function parse_compress_value>, 'Content-length': <function parse_content_length_value>, 'DidRemove': <function parse_set_remove_value>, 'DidSet': <function parse_set_remove_value>, 'Message-class': <function parse_message_class_value>, 'Remove': <function parse_set_remove_value>, 'Set': <function parse_set_remove_value>, 'Spam': <function parse_spam_value>, 'User': <function parse_user_value>}

Mapping for header names to their parsing functions.

class aiospamc.incremental_parser.RequestParser[source]

Bases: Parser

Sub-class of the parser for requests.


RequestParse constructor.

class aiospamc.incremental_parser.ResponseParser[source]

Bases: Parser

Sub-class of the parser for responses.


ResponseParser constructor.

aiospamc.requests module

Contains all requests that can be made to the SPAMD service.

class aiospamc.requests.Request(verb: str, version: str = '1.5', headers: Dict[str, Any] | Headers | None = None, body: bytes | SupportsBytes = b'', **_)[source]

Bases: object

SPAMC request object.

__init__(verb: str, version: str = '1.5', headers: Dict[str, Any] | Headers | None = None, body: bytes | SupportsBytes = b'', **_) None[source]

Request constructor.

  • verb – Method name of the request.

  • version – Version of the protocol.

  • headers – Collection of headers to be added.

  • body – Byte string representation of the body.

property body: bytes

Body property getter.


Value of body.


Converts to JSON serializable object.

aiospamc.responses module

Contains classes used for responses.

class aiospamc.responses.Status(value, names=None, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: IntEnum

Enumeration for the status values defined by SPAMD.

EX_OK = 0
class aiospamc.responses.Response(version: str = '1.5', status_code: Status | int = 0, message: str = '', headers: Dict[str, Any] | Headers | None = None, body: bytes = b'', **_)[source]

Bases: object

Class to encapsulate response.

__init__(version: str = '1.5', status_code: Status | int = 0, message: str = '', headers: Dict[str, Any] | Headers | None = None, body: bytes = b'', **_)[source]

Response constructor.

  • version – Version reported by the SPAMD service response.

  • status_code – Success or error code.

  • message – Message associated with status code.

  • body – Byte string representation of the body.

  • headers – Collection of headers to be added.

property status_code: Status | int

Status code property getter.


Value of status code.

property body: bytes

Body property getter.


Value of body.

raise_for_status() None[source]

Raises an exception if the status code isn’t zero.

to_json() Dict[str, Any][source]

Converts to JSON serializable object.

exception aiospamc.responses.ResponseException(code: int, message: str, response: Response)[source]

Bases: Exception

Base class for exceptions raised from a response.

__init__(code: int, message: str, response: Response)[source]

ResponseException constructor.

  • code – Response code number.

  • message – Message response.

exception aiospamc.responses.UsageException(message: str, response: Response)[source]

Bases: ResponseException

Command line usage error.

__init__(message: str, response: Response)[source]

UsageException constructor.


message – Message response.

exception aiospamc.responses.DataErrorException(message: str, response: Response)[source]

Bases: ResponseException

Data format error.

__init__(message: str, response: Response)[source]

DataErrorException constructor.


message – Message response.

exception aiospamc.responses.NoInputException(message: str, response: Response)[source]

Bases: ResponseException

Cannot open input.

__init__(message: str, response: Response)[source]

NoInputException constructor.


message – Message response.

exception aiospamc.responses.NoUserException(message: str, response: Response)[source]

Bases: ResponseException

Addressee unknown.

__init__(message: str, response: Response)[source]

NoUserException constructor.


message – Message response.

exception aiospamc.responses.NoHostException(message: str, response: Response)[source]

Bases: ResponseException

Hostname unknown.

__init__(message: str, response: Response)[source]

NoHostException constructor.


message – Message response.

exception aiospamc.responses.UnavailableException(message: str, response: Response)[source]

Bases: ResponseException

Service unavailable.

__init__(message: str, response: Response)[source]

UnavailableException constructor.


message – Message response.

exception aiospamc.responses.InternalSoftwareException(message: str, response: Response)[source]

Bases: ResponseException

Internal software error.

__init__(message: str, response: Response)[source]

InternalSoftwareException constructor.


message – Message response.

exception aiospamc.responses.OSErrorException(message: str, response: Response)[source]

Bases: ResponseException

System error (e.g. can’t fork the process).

__init__(message: str, response: Response)[source]

OSErrorException constructor.


message – Message response.

exception aiospamc.responses.OSFileException(message: str, response: Response)[source]

Bases: ResponseException

Critical operating system file missing.

__init__(message: str, response: Response)[source]

OSFileException constructor.


message – Message response.

exception aiospamc.responses.CantCreateException(message: str, response: Response)[source]

Bases: ResponseException

Can’t create (user) output file.

__init__(message: str, response: Response)[source]

CantCreateException constructor.


message – Message response.

exception aiospamc.responses.IOErrorException(message: str, response: Response)[source]

Bases: ResponseException

Input/output error.

__init__(message: str, response: Response)[source]

IOErrorException constructor.


message – Message response.

exception aiospamc.responses.TemporaryFailureException(message: str, response: Response)[source]

Bases: ResponseException

Temporary failure, user is invited to try again.

__init__(message: str, response: Response)[source]

TemporaryFailureException constructor.


message – Message response.

exception aiospamc.responses.ProtocolException(message: str, response: Response)[source]

Bases: ResponseException

Remote error in protocol.

__init__(message: str, response: Response)[source]

ProtocolException constructor.


message – Message response.

exception aiospamc.responses.NoPermissionException(message: str, response: Response)[source]

Bases: ResponseException

Permission denied.

__init__(message: str, response: Response)[source]

NoPermissionException constructor.


message – Message response.

exception aiospamc.responses.ConfigException(message: str, response: Response)[source]

Bases: ResponseException

Configuration error.

__init__(message: str, response: Response)[source]

ConfigException constructor.


message – Message response.

exception aiospamc.responses.ServerTimeoutException(message: str, response: Response)[source]

Bases: ResponseException, TimeoutException

Timeout exception from the server.

__init__(message: str, response: Response)[source]

ServerTimeoutException constructor.


message – Message response.

aiospamc.user_warnings module

Functions to raise warnings based on user inputs.

aiospamc.user_warnings.raise_warnings(request: Request, connection: ConnectionManager)[source]

Calls all warning functions.

  • request – Instance of a request.

  • connection – Connection manager instance.

aiospamc.user_warnings.warn_spamd_bug_7183(request: Request, connection: ConnectionManager)[source]

Warn on spamd bug if using compression with an SSL connection.

  • request – Instance of a request.

  • connection – Connection manager instance.


Module contents

aiospamc package.

An asyncio-based library to communicate with SpamAssassin’s SPAMD service.