Source code for aiospamc.exceptions

"""Collection of exceptions."""

[docs]class ClientException(Exception): """Base class for exceptions raised from the client.""" pass
[docs]class BadRequest(ClientException): """Request is not in the expected format.""" pass
[docs]class BadResponse(ClientException): """Response is not in the expected format.""" pass
[docs]class AIOSpamcConnectionFailed(ClientException): """Connection failed.""" pass
[docs]class TimeoutException(Exception): """General timeout exception.""" pass
[docs]class ClientTimeoutException(ClientException, TimeoutException): """Timeout exception from the client.""" pass
[docs]class ParseError(Exception): """Error occurred while parsing."""
[docs] def __init__(self, message=None): """Construct parsing exception with optional message. :param message: User friendly message. """ self.message = message
[docs]class NotEnoughDataError(ParseError): """Expected more data than what the protocol content specified.""" pass
[docs]class TooMuchDataError(ParseError): """Too much data was received than what the protocol content specified.""" pass