Source code for aiospamc.client

"""Module implementing client objects that all requests go through."""

from loguru import logger

from .connections import ConnectionManager
from .exceptions import BadResponse
from .incremental_parser import ParseError, ResponseParser
from .requests import Request
from .responses import Response
from .user_warnings import raise_warnings

[docs]class Client: """Client object to submit requests."""
[docs] def __init__(self, connection_manager: ConnectionManager): """Client constructor. :param connection_manager: Instance of a connection manager. """ self.connection_manager = connection_manager
[docs] async def request(self, req: Request): """Sends a request and returns the parsed response. :param req: The request to send. :return: The parsed response. :raises BadResponse: If the response from SPAMD is ill-formed this exception will be raised. :raises AIOSpamcConnectionFailed: Raised if an error occurred when trying to connect. :raises UsageException: Error in command line usage. :raises DataErrorException: Error with data format. :raises NoInputException: Cannot open input. :raises NoUserException: Addressee unknown. :raises NoHostException: Hostname unknown. :raises UnavailableException: Service unavailable. :raises InternalSoftwareException: Internal software error. :raises OSErrorException: System error. :raises OSFileException: Operating system file missing. :raises CantCreateException: Cannot create output file. :raises IOErrorException: Input/output error. :raises TemporaryFailureException: Temporary failure, may reattempt. :raises ProtocolException: Error in the protocol. :raises NoPermissionException: Permission denied. :raises ConfigException: Error in configuration. :raises ServerTimeoutException: Server returned a response that it timed out. :raises ClientTimeoutException: Client timed out during connection. """ context_logger = logger.bind( connection=self.connection_manager, request=req, ) raise_warnings(req, self.connection_manager)"Sending {} request", req.verb) response = await self.connection_manager.request(bytes(req)) context_logger = context_logger.bind(response_bytes=response) try: parser = ResponseParser() parsed_response = parser.parse(response) except ParseError as error: context_logger.exception("Error parsing response") raise BadResponse(response) from error response_obj = Response(**parsed_response) response_obj.raise_for_status() context_logger.bind(response=response_obj).success( "Successfully received response" ) return response_obj